Learn how Google works with local businesses, so you can start optimising your Google Business page and website using local SEO. Rank better for Search and Google Maps for local customers.
Local SEO is an optimisation strategy that helps businesses to become more visible when people search on Google for local products and services.
You can optimise your Google business listing so that it appears alongside other businesses in SERPs (search engine results pages) by modifying content, key phrases and keywords. This will increase visibility, which naturally brings more traffic.
There is a lot more involved with targeting customers locally; apart from Google Maps, you may also have physical products that you want to sell locally. Google Shopping allows you to create a local shopping feed – this displays all of the products you have in stock so that nearby customers can shop in-store.
For example, a customer might search “Televisions near me” – with local search engine optimisation, your Televisions would appear in the results for customers in your vicinity.
For a service-based business, optimising your site for local customers is the best way forward. This can be achieved by adding local content, mentioning areas that are serviced and using the correct permalink structures.
If you’re interested in becoming more geographically visible, get in touch, and we’ll gladly help out.
Make an impression, locally.
Let us look at the options available to help boost your business locally.
Get a no-obligation, Local SEO meeting.